
Thanks to participating in the project „Centrum Mistrzostwa Informatycznego” pupils and students who participate in the classes supported by general grants and project grants obtain a possibility to participate in algorithmic and project competitions. The competitions will be organized for teams which will have a local character (on-line) taking into account the participation in the next stages of the competitions, starting from the regional ones until national competitions organized by Lodz University of Technology.

The competitions will be divided according to the age of participants: for classes IV to VI and VII-VIII and the students from secondary schools. The best teams will receive awards, which are given already on the local stage.

The awards are foreseen on the national level for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and have an individual character: participation in IT scientific and training camps or in thematic workshops e.g. IT camps preparing the participants for programming competition of for IT Nationwide Competition (Olimpiada Informatyczna).